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Exico, Inc. assists qualified small business enterprises with business development services. Exico's primary mission is to increase the opportunity for entrepreneurs to participate in the free enterprise system through the formation and development of competitive small businesses.

Exico, Inc. provides the following services to entrepreneurs:

Finance and Accounting
  • Loan Packaging 
  • Office Management
  • General Accounting
  • Procedure & Systems
  • Cost Accounting
  • Design of Forms
  • Planning, Budgeting, Control
  • Inventory Control
  • Tax Planning
  • Bid Preparation
Marketing      General Management
  • Pricing Policies
  • Organization & Structure
  • Advertising & Sales
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Promotion (Small Scale)
  • Reports & Controls
  • Consumer Marketing
  • Public Relations
  • Merchandising
  • Legal Services
  • Sales Forecasting
  • Staff Scheduling
  • Product & Customer Service


Personnel   Manufacturing
  • Management Development/Training
  • Plant Location & Site Selection
  • Job Evaluation & Rating
  • Plant Management


  • Materials Handling & Distribution
Franchising      International Services
  • Franchising, Planning, & Procedures
  • Financing/Letters of Credit
  • Brochures, Manuals & Disclosures
  • Export/Import Services

Exico, Inc. also functions as an advocate for the interest of entrepreneurs by identifying, promoting and contributing to the growth of small business development opportunities.

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